Saturday, June 20, 2015

June 20th, 2015

Good morning all, hope that you have had a great week!  Can't say 
mine was either exciting or busy.  But I did get some things done.

On Monday, Nancy took me to the specialist for my eye's.  The good 
news is that they are stable and not dry.  I don't have to go back
until Sept.  Believe me I am happy about that!

The only other exciting thing I did that day is to buy some bushes
to go by my pool.  I thought they were called blue bells because they
have blue flowers on the bush.  But it turned out to be another name
and believe me I have forgotten what they were called.  But they will
do well I am sure.

Got another call from Gainsville, they want me to go for a lung check.
I wasn't going to say anything until it was over.  I had told Diana
not to call them again.  And of course she listened to me and called 
them!  Who knows what other test they will want me to take.  But the
good news about this test is I can go here and get it done.

Wednesday evening my air conditioner started to make a noise like it
was eating something in there.  It had done that one time before but
it had done that onc time before and didn't last long so I thought it got 
a frog or something.  But this time it went on and one.  So I turned it off
and on Thursday Diana called her air person to come out and check it 
out.  Hot, I thought I was going to die.  I was in that pool more than I
have ever been in a day.  The guy came on Friday, turn it on and it worked
great, couldn't find anything wrong with it except the fact that it was old
(1989) and I would be needing a new one soon.  So far it has worked like a
charm.  Hope and pray it will last until the fall.

As I mentioned last week, Helen fell and broke her arm.  She had surgery
on Monday and is doing well.  She has been moved to rehab and should
be there for two weeks.  She is doing well, but this has taken a lot out
of her.  If you would like to send her an email her address is,  To send her a card the address is

Helen Morar
c/o H ealthsouth Rehabilitation Hospital 
7000 Jefferson NE,
Room 121
Albuquerque, NM 87109
Rehab is hard on her but she is hanging in there and doing well.  She would love 
to hear from you.

Joyce is still busy in Augusta trying to finish up her bills she would like to get passed
and getting the state  budget passed!  She works long hours and I am sure it 
wears her out.

Judy is in MA helping Jess with Eloise birthday party today.  She spends so much
time going back and forth from NJ to MA, I hear they are going to name
part of the road after her :-)

Lana and Shari has not been well, but they are hanging in there.  It is tough
to get older isn't it!

Yesterday I met some old friends from work for lunch.  It was wonderful seeing
them.  One couple is about to start on their trip to Alaska for a cruise.  We all
were meeting once a month but somehow that has slipped.  Got to blame some
of it on me, I used to make sure we did it, but somehow I have let it fall thru
the cracks.  Hopefully I will do better next month.

Wanted to share a picture of Dudley grandson Aiden.  He is growing like

a weed but such a handsome young man.  Not sure what he Dad looks
like, but to me I can see Dudley in him.

Got a note from Gloria, she and her husband Don are off to PA. this week
to spend time with their grandchildren  Justus - 2 1/2 and Caius - 4 mo

Remember no one loves you like you do! So take really good care of you!
 Please stay healthy! Have a great week!
 Lots of Love   
  a (aa) g'

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