Saturday, August 6, 2011

August 6, 2011

"Hear the other side" St. Augustine

Good morning all, hope that you have had a great week! I keep looking at the temps in Northern Maine and wish that I were there...Oh well when I win the lottery

Want to start right off wishing cousin Gloria a very happy birthday today...the best of birthday's to you! Then on the 9th Kyle & Erica celebrate their 3rd anniversary, the very best to you both on your special day! Then on the 12th my special brother-in-law Jeff celebrates his birthday...Hope it is the best birthday for you ever dear Jeff!

Not a lot to talk about this week, so I will just be rambling to fill the page!

Want to thank you all for sending best wishes to my Dad on his birthday. Lana, Shari, Peter and Helen joined Dad and I at the Olive Garden for his birthday on Sat. Got to say it was a memorable dinner I can say that!

Dan is not feeling too well, he has been to the Dr. everyday this week getting IV's, finally on Thursday evening Diana took him to the ER at Cape Canaveral, where he was admitted.   Diana is keeping a positive thought, but I worry she is wearing thin also...don't want her to get sick.

My big ordeal this week has been working with my plants. I have this beautiful yellow rose bush which always has had large blooms on it and now they are small and the petals are brown. Got to find out what is causing that before whatever it is gets on my other roses. The other plant that I was working on was my corn plant. I have cut it before, but always hate to do it. But this time, it had reached the roof and had no where to go. It isn't a normal corn plant that has big stocks ( it came in a dish garden that I received in 84) so the stocks are small. When I cut them they were top heavy (want to get them going so I can take them to the church fair in Nov) so that meant I had to cut them again...ouch I just hope they make it. Another problem I am having is I have a hanging plant, out in the yard on a hook (have many) but this one has large ants in it. Don't see them anywhere else, just in that pot when I water them. I looked on line and they suggested baking I will try it but got to make time to go to the experts but just don't have it (time that is)

Got a special treat this week, I told you that Lana air conditioner went out and for temporary until she could get her home unit replaced she bought a portable one. Well now she is all comfortable with her new unit and had no use for the portable one, so she gave it to me! I feel like I have won the lottery I have at least two rooms in this house that I can go to when I can't stand the heat! Thanks again Lana.

Joyce has been busy this week, beauty pageant as well as taking grandson Jacob to a farm...

As well as doing her walk along the St. Croix river every morning.

Helen returns home next week, and Sister Judy will be coming down to spend three weeks with Dad on the 16th. She was going to drive down alone, but I volunteered to fly up and ride back with her. As always I am really looking forward to certainly gets me away for a few days.

One day this week while, I was on my way over to feed "Beautiful" I was talking to one of my neighbors and told them that I really didn't know the name of the horse I just called her "Beautiful" and he told me her name was Sally!  Couldn't get over it...she came to me calling her Beautiful but not as fast as she does now when I call her Sally....

Last night Bet & I went to Orlando last night (didn't get home until after 12) to attend concert for Pat's Choir,  orchestra at Disney!  It was called An American Revival.  It was wonderful both Bet and I really enjoyed.  The music went from I'll fly away, to Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy,  to Elvis songs to the National Athem.  I really enjoyed it and it was to a sold out crowd!  Thanks again Pat & Dave.

Well I guess that is it, doubt if I will be sending out just chatting next week since I will be in NJ, but ya never know!

Let me hear from you and remember take good care of yourself, cause no one loves you like you do!

Lots of Love

a (aa) g~

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