Saturday, July 30, 2011

July 30, 2011

 Love is, above all, the gift of oneself. - Jean Anouilh" (1910 - 1987) writer

Good morning all, hope you have had a good week! The weather here has been quite warm, with rain now and then. How is it where you live?

Forgot to mention that Todd came out last week and did some yard work that needed to be done but it was just too much for me. I have been going out in the morning early and working until about 10. If you loose weight perspiring I should have dropped a few pounds. But I doubt it very much.

Joyce made it safely home, hopefully she enjoyed her stay, we certainly enjoyed her being here.

Saturday evening I spend time with Dad and off to Longhorn we went. I was a little concerned being by myself with him, cause he just goes, he can do it himself...but he can't but it all worked out fine. We had a nice dinner then I took him home.

Lana stayed with him the weekend, her air condition is out at home, so she had no problem staying with Dad.  But the exciting news for her is she is getting a new unit this weekend!

I very seldom miss church for no reason but decided to work in the yard instead on Sunday. Got quite a bit done.

On Monday evening I had my Local Planning agency meeting in Vi era. One of the items was sitting limits on how long a digital sign can flash one message. I hate those signs but I guess it is something we will all have to live with.

On Tuesday, Helen arrived in Orlando, it all worked out fine, I was there on time and she didn't have to wait. We went to dinner and she spent the night with us.

On Wednesday, Helen & I went to breakfast and then off running to get the stuff she needed before she went to Dad's. We stopped at the veggie stand, cause Dad loves those fresh tomatoes...she also picked up some ears of corn and cukes. Then off to the grocery store we went. Love to go to the grocery store because it is nice and cool! Dad was quite pleased to see her. Lana gave her instructions and now she is set until the 16th of August.

Not only is Sunday Dad's 94th birthday (did you get your card off to him?) Dear friends Carol & Gary Powers are celebrating their 40th Anniversary on the same day ! Hope you have something special planned and that you have a wonderful day!  Then on the 3rd, sister Lana will celebrate her birthday, hope you have a wonderful air conditioned day sweet Lana!  Brother in law David will celebrate on the 5th.  Special day to you David!

Dan is hanging in there he has started Chemo again. Still isn't eating enough Diana says but we all have faith that he will get better.

Bill's back is finally starting to heal, I was quite concerned because I couldn't stop it from bleeding.  But with  Helen's help we decided it was the bandage, that was sticking and every time I put a new one on it made it bleed.

Got to put my two cents in about the budget!  It has most all mature people quite upset and I think the politician's are enjoying the fight!  My answer to the problem is to end the war, bring our boys home and cut the military budget by a trillion and leave our everyday things like medicare, SS etc alone!

Dad is quite excited he has a new computer, and believe me anyone of us that have to use his computer is excited for him.  It came yesterday and Shari is working to get it all set up.  He does so well with the computer but he is always running programs to make sure no viruses are getting in that he sometimes messes it up.

Really looking forward to going to Disney and hear the music.  It is this Friday and I just know Bet and I will love it.  Pat is so good to me

Just had one comment on the planter's wart thing with duck tape.  I looked it up and according to what I read on line it works about 90% of the time.  So I am on the 6th day....will let you know if it works it sure sounds better than freezing, or cutting it out!

Well I guess that's it for this week, please take good care of yourself and remember no one loves you like you do!  I know you are busy, but
let me hear from you!

Lots of Love

a (aa) g~

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