Saturday, July 16, 2011

July 16, 2011

"We believe that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean.
But the ocean would be less because of that missing drop." (Mother Teresa, Albanian nun, 1979 Nobel Peace Prize, 1910-1997)
Good Morning all, hope this has been a great week for you! The good news is I have had some time to get out in the yard, the bad news is the mosquito's will carries you away! I almost have to use a 1/2 can of spray to prevent them. I did get one of those new gadgets that are a clip on but according to me I would have to wear ten of them for them to work! So much for that!

I have a flower coming up in one of my pots that I have no idea what it you? It kind of looks like a white hyacinth only it is on a stem (this is a picture of a white hyacinth) but my flower has leaves...pretty.
On Sunday after church I was off to Dad's. He is doing very well, but isn't too shore of himself. Joyce has done a great job with him, and she is now trying to help him do more for himself. He has always been a strong determined person, but that seems to have somewhat has disappeared. We took him to Longhorn's for dinner and he really enjoyed that. I like to get him out of the house other than for Dr. visits.
On Monday, I had a Planning & Zoning meeting. We have not had a meeting in a couple of months so I really found it interesting. One item was junk yard, it has been located in the same place for 60 years. They decided to sell it and guess what? They didn't have the proper zoning! No complaint about them up to this point, did have several neighbor's there not wanting the change....interesting.
The good news is Dan was released to come home today. The bad news he hasn't been feeling all that great and now he has started to pass blood.  Hopefully they will get that under control so he can come home on Tuesday. Please keep him and Diana in your prayers, each step is a hard one!
Dad had a limb on his maple tree that was touching the house, it really concerned me, especially if we have a hurricane. I had planned to take my power saw down and cut it but Joyce beat me to it.....

 She not only cut it off the tree but cut it in pieces and put it out to the curb! Gosh, I thought that I was the only one that did things like that! No wonder she is a great legislator If that wasn't enough she started on the tree in the back...saving Dad lots of money!
Dad is not to happy but he is getting the life line. Don't know why he needs that he says...we have tried to talk him into it for over a there is no more talk he is getting it.
Eloise is doing great! Thought that you would enjoy this picture

Since I am doing pictures we haven't had one of Charlie (Helen's granddaughter) in a while. She just celebrate her 4th birthday, here she is with her friend, her Mom Lisa. Beautiful girl in the yellow dress Charlie...

Want to wish Ian a very happy 16th birthday on the 17th. Gosh the time flies.....but you know that story.
This has been a very depressing week for me, and Thursday I had a complete melt down. Dan in his fight to come home, Dad feeling that it is time to go, my friend 47 year old son had a stroke, brain tumor for one of my friends goes on and on. But there is a plan for all of us, we may not always agree with it but HE knows what he is doing. As a friend of mine said "Each day dawns a new beginning." and we start from there!
On Friday I was ready for that new beginning...With that two 80 + year old men putting a new O ring in the shower is pretty funny, But not that funny after three & half hours it still wasn't fixed and he would have to go get another tool and would be back Monday. They have some kind of a gadget up there that most of my family couldn't reach to turn the water on and off. But thank God I can...need a shower every day it is so hot. Then if that wasn't enough....the fuse box went in the garage....the one with the pool, refrigerator, and the freezer. When I left to get my hair done, Bill was looking for a new fuse, he knew he had some. When I came home two hours later I learned that there is something wrong with the box, My freezer is full I finally got the freeze hooked up with an extention cord to the to say it was a full day and certainly had my mind on something else.
Have not heard from many of you in a while...don't loose contact now...Hope you have a great week and remember no one loves you like you do!
Lots of Love
a (aa) ~g~

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