Saturday, June 6, 2015

June 6, 2015

True silence is the rest of the mind; it is to the spirit what sleep is to the 
body, nourishment and refreshment. - William Penn (1644 - 1718)

Good morning all, hope that you have had a great week.  It looks to me like up
north is getting our much needed rain.  It is very dry here and we sure need the
rain, but I maintain it rains, but out in the ocean. :-)

Wanted to share new pictures of Eaines twin grand daughters aren't they something!

They are growing so fast!

Want to make sure I wish Jodie (Elizabeth Boyd) a happy birthday on the 11
of June!  And a very special birthday to sister Joyce on the 12th.  What is that 
they say,  Your not getting older, you are getting better!  Best of Birthday's
to you both.

Had a wonderful day with Pat & Dave on the boat.  Made me want to go on a cruise.
But I don't think that will happen soon.  Pat keeps suggesting we go on the Alaska 
cruise but I don't think so.  Would love to do it normally.

Diana went up to Jacksonville on Thursday evening to help Stacey move.  Isn't
 it funny everything she  needs is in her new apartment, but her clothes.  She 
is taking her TV etc. and it fills  two cars.  I worry about Diana driving from 
Jacksonville to Ft. Myer's (5 hrs) then  back here in the same day.  She don't 
want to miss work today!

Shari & Lana are having some illness problems.  Being selfish I hope they are
better soon.   I can not judge how long this lines should be I am trying to guess,
so if they are way long let me know.  In other words it should wrap but
it doesn't.

I am so excited, Pat & Dave are coming over on Sunday and take my carpet in
my bedroom up.  It is my fault, I used to keep my bedroom door closed so Cocoa
couldn't get in there but after Bill died I stopped that.  Then she started doing
her business on my carpet.  It stinks!  What I hope to do at the first of the year,
if the good Lord is willing is to put new flooring down in several of the rooms.
But this will be a great thing for me.

Took my car in for service yesterday, although it runs great and there didn't
seem to be anything wrong with it there was.  Glad that is over with.

Have a great week!

Remember no one loves you like you do! So take really good care of you!
 Please stay healthy! Have a great week!
 Lots of Love   
  a (aa) g'

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