Saturday, March 28, 2015

March 28, 2015

"See God in every person, place, and thing, and all will be well in your world." - Louise Hay

Good morning all, hope that you have had a great week.  Can't say mind has been very busy and I really don't have much to say but here goes......

Got a nice note from Sue & Paul, they have moved into their new apartment.  They are not real happy that they had to move.  But they are making the area where they use to live into like an assisted living area.  But they still love the place and they did get some concession for having to move.

Was suppose to meet Elaine for lunch this week on Thursday, but she called me from her parents place telling me that Uncle Omar was not doing well.  Please keep him and Aunt Joyce in your prayers as well as their family.  This a hard time for all.

I hate to write depressing letters but want to send our love to Shari, the funeral for her Dad was yesterday.

Son Pat had his surgery and is doing well.  I shouldn't say doing very well because he is in a lot of pain.  If there is one thing he can't take is pain so please keep him in your prayers.

Well if anyone can screw anything up I can.  I believe I told you that Shari fixed my computer.  Well Sunday after church I came home turned on my computer and it said I needed and update to my SKypes.  That is very important to me because all my sisters and I talk on it every Sunday evening.   Well I shouldn't have done it, I am old and set in my ways and it changed everything that I use and how to get to them.  It has been very confusing for me but Shari says she will fix it.  It is bad enough that I can't see well but make a change and it throws everything off! :-)

I don't think I told you last week my granddaughter Stacey played softball for years and really never got hurt, Thank goodness!  She had decided to join a team and guess what?  Right she broke her arm!  She had surgery on the arm yesterday and is doing well.  Diana went up on Thursday evening and went with her for her surgery.

To carry on with the sad news :-( Helen's grandson Garret was moving a chair down the stairs and fell.  He had surgery this week for his angle. 

I feel so bad for Jenn Eldridge (and her daughter 2)  Bless her heart she is either braking something or hurting herself.  But this week she has been sick with the flu.  It is so hard for a single parent to handle things like this alone.  Say a prayer for her.

I was so pleased to here from David Todd the other day.  It is always nice to talk to him but the good news is he had a job for me. :-P  He was asked to give a talk on Harvesting potatoes in Aroostock County.  He had seen something on Utube  that would certain help him explain it all.   I am sure from home have seen it.  This is the way we used to pick potatoes.  It gave me something to do and the good news is I have gotten in touch with him, he lives in MA also.  Hopefully they can work it out.

Wanted to share auGUSt 6 month old picture.  Isn't he a handsome boy!

Can't believe it I show no one with a birthday this week.  If I am missing your birthday let me know don't want to forget anyone.

Ok in closing here is my update (I feel like I will be gone before they do the surgery)  All went well with the test I took on Monday but Tuesday I got a call from the Dr. office wanting me to take Walking Echo!  Last time they were so prompt in getting me scheduled for last Monday, I expected a call any call.  So yesterday I called them (I also got a notice in the mail yesterday)  They can't  do the test until the 9th!  It is getting close to the time that Nancy has to have her reconstructive surgery.......Oh well it will work out some how.

Called my pool guy and it seems the guy that will do the work on the pool Mother is dying.  He is spending as much time with her as he can.  He says he knows someone else that does that kind of work.....if it isn't one thing it's another.

Oh just one more thing.  Do you still make your own homemade baked beans?  If so, my cousin Charles is looking for the recipe to make them like my Mom use to.  Send it to me.
Remember no one loves you like you do! So take really good care of you!
Have a great week!  Please stay healthy!
 Lots of Love   
  a (aa) g'

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