where you are today" Susan Gale
Good morning all, hope that you have had a great week! Mine has truly
been uneventful. But here is a brief part of it.
On Monday, I had breakfast with my friends from Federally Employed
Women, It is always nice to keep in touch with old friends and talk about
how many pills you are now on Of course that is not true of all of them,
Some of them have just gotten back from trips overseas or cruses.
Diana loaded up my computer and we took it down to UPS to send it to Shari to fix.
But quickly changed our minds about doing it. It would have cost $135. to send it!
By the time I paid to send it, paid for parts and paid for the return I almost could have
bought a new one. So Diana asked a friend who recommended a place in Cocoa
Beach. It was the memory as Shari predicted they had it overnight, fixed it and Diana
went and got it. It cost $65, and works great! So that is good news. Diana hooked it up
for me and it worked great, except it had no sound. Never noticed there was no sound
until after she left. Thank goodness she took a picture of it before she unplugged
it to take to the shop. She came back out and had it plugged into the right one in
no time.
Congratulations to Cousin Omar Adams and Linette Beach, who got married in Jamaica
on July 6th. Wish them all the happiness in the world!
All birthday's are special and there are several people with birthday's this week.
Today is Mike Leclere's birthday, he and his wife have been dear friends to me for
a long time. On Monday, my sweet Nancy will celebrate her birthday. Then on
the 15th Shari Lewis and Betty Valentine will celebrate their special day. On the 17th
great nephew Ian will celebrate his 20th birthday. Want to wish you all the
very best of birthday's you are all very special people!
Pat has a wonderful voice and belongs to several singing groups. This week after
months of practice one of the groups he belongs to will perform Aida in concert
at the Dr. Philips Center in Orlando. I would love to go but I think it is too
much for me. It is at 7:30 and it would be quite late when I got home. No, he
doesn't want me to drive over there they would come and get me. But I think it
is to much to asked of them since they both have to go to work the next day. On my
part it is hell to get old and I am sure it will be a wonderful performance!
I believe I mentioned that granddaughter Krista is now working as an insurance agent!
She is helping me get new home insurance. Bill meant well but did not believe in
insurance. It always scared me when I found out that he had dropped insurance.
My problem is what do you make sure it covers. I know it sounds crazy but I have
never had to get homeowners insurance before, But I am sure that she will
look out for me and get what I need. They came out this week and inspected the
house, guess we passed because she sent me two different kinds of insurance
to see what I wanted. The problem is I can't see the small print, but I am sure
between her and Diana we will pick the right one.
Well I guess that is it for this week, I lead such and exciting life, I don't have
much to share other that the weather and believe me it is hot here.
Remember no one loves you like you do! So take really good care of you!
Please stay healthy! Have a great week!
Lots of Love
a (aa) g'
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